you're so gorgeous i'll do anything!
i'll kiss you from your feet
to where your head begins!

you're so perfect!
you're so right as rain!
you make me make me make me
make me hungry again.

everything you do is irresistible
everything you do is simply kissable
why can't i be you?
i'll run around in circles
'til i run out of breath
i'll eat you all up
or i'll just hug you to death

you're so wonderful!
too good to be true!
you make me
make me hungry for you

everything you do is simply delicate
everything you do is quite angelicate
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
you turn my head when you turn around
you turn the whole world upside down
i'm smitten i'm bitten i'm hooked i'm cooked
i'm stuck like glue!

you make me
make me hungry for you
everything you do is simply dreamy
everything you do is quite delicious
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
you're simply elegant!

Beautiful! Isn't it lovely how babies seem to enjoy knitted things sometimes more than the adults!
awesome- cure lyrics AND knitting! love the turtle.that might be a good idea for my pincher... he seems to like holding my knitting so maybe that is the texture for him.
i think that i am going to try knitting in the round with the colors that i didn't use as much of. if that doesn't look right, i take the seams out.
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