Thursday, December 27, 2007

Holiday Baggage

Thank god it comes but once a year: the mass hysteria commonly known as Christmas is finally over, leaving us with presents to exchange, belated holiday cards to send, and a tree to drag down four flights of stairs. I truly hate this time of year, and I truly loved last week's New Yorker cover:

Subtly evil Santa looming over inconsequential, sheep-esque shoppers. Stomp, Santa! Stomp!

A bright moment in an otherwise gloomy season came in the form of this lovely Christmas present from the in-laws, chosen by me after many torturous hours trolling around Zappos. From the outside, a seemingly normal and reasonably fashionable purse:

Inside, a secret inner sanctum perfect for stowing subway knitting!

I can hardly wait to fill the other two compartments with wads of used tissues.

1 comment:

Mrs Hilksom said...

In Toronto, back in my parents' day, people just stuffed their trees out the windows, letting them fall to the streets below. To be collected, presumably, by the city? I dunno.